A children’s film about the adventures of a young boy, Lampros, who returns to school after an absence of many days due to an accident. Lampros has a loyal and true friend [his dog, whom he calls Ly...
Three short stories satirizing the Greece of “Change”. A take-off on the police dramas of Giannis Maris; a satire of the films of the New Greek Cinema; and a satire of the “fustanella (Greek ki...
A variety of different people who represent the degenerate symbols of the old times have been gathering at a cabaret for a long time now. The cabaret’s star is a stripper from Russia named Sonia (Sv...
Kostas is an all-powerful tycoon, in love with his beautiful wife, Iro, who, however, is cheating on him with a young playboy, Nikos. The two lovers are planning to kill Kostas, and believe that the o...
Kazablan (Nikos Kourkoulos), an Israeli hero of the war for Independence, is accused of murdering a mechanic responsible for the demolition of a poor neighborhood in Tel Aviv. He is lucky enough to ge...
The son (Giannis Fertis) of a farmer (Lavrentis Dianellos) studies while his brother (Anestis Vlachos) works the family’s land. A girl (Christina Sylva) tries to come between them after the student ...
Stamatis and Kosmas are two brothers who, due to clumsiness, can’t settle anywhere, and keep changing jobs all the time. Having failed as carpenters, they try their hand as barbers, but all their cu...
A barber (Filios Filippidis) undertakes both the housework and the care of the baby, since his wife works as a singer in nightclubs and is constantly busy. His hardships move the wife of the neighborh...