Der eksisterer en stor kærlighed mellem søstrene Margot og Pauline. De er fælles om så mange ting; deres opvækst, modsætningen til deres forældre, ungdommens udskejelser med de lokale drenge og...
Mirush leaves Kosovo hoping to find his father in Norway, who abandoned the family when Mirush was very young. Now the father runs a restaurant in Oslo, but he is also in deep debt to the Albanian Maf...
Eigil Holm kommentar: Filmen viser, hvad jægeren bør gøre, samt hvad andre skal lade være med.Jægeren går i skoven og iagttager dyrelivet: Rødstjert, grønspætte. Rovdyrene skal forfølges: En...
I året 1752 sætter Joshua og Naomi Collins sejl fra Liverpool, England for at starte et nyt liv i Amerika, og med sig har de deres unge søn Barnabas. Men selv et hav så stort som Atlanterhavet er ...
Ti års jagt sluttede, da en amerikansk specialstyrke i hemmelighed fløj ind i Pakistansk luftrum for at fange verdens mest eftersøgte terrorist, Osama bin Laden. "Zero dark thirty" følger de CIA-a...
Da Ane pludselig en dag uden varsel flytter ind i et drengekollektiv på Vesterbro i København, skaber det uro i balancen mellem drengerøvene. De må gøre plads i lejligheden, ændre deres lumre ru...
To år er gået. Phil, Stu og Doug lever lykkeligt begivenhedsløse liv. Alle er renset for både anklager og tatoveringer. Det sidste, nogen af dem har hørt fra katastrofe-magneten Leslie Chow, er, ...
Neil er en ung amerikaner, der under en rejse i Europa møder og forelsker sig i den smukke enlige ukrainske mor, Marina, der bor med sin 10-årige datter, Tatiana, i Paris. De elskende rejser sammen ...
A pickpocket acts as an inept golfer. Helpful souls become robbed. A female pickpocket turns up. The two pickpockets pick the golfers pockets. But they become disclosed. They try to escape and shoot a...
Ginger and her friend Rosa was born on the same day at the same hospital and here lies the reason for their friendship which they cherish throughout their childhood. Politically, The Cold War is high ...
The story of the secret package, the TV wall and the cosiness of home.
A Royal Engineers sergeant shows how to load two carrier pigeons into a small wicker basket for transport. At the Rosyth seaplane base Felixstowe F2A flying boats and Short 184 seaplanes ride at ancho...
An amateur newreel about Bonnybridge in the early 1980s. Features children walking for the bus, the annual Scout camp at Barr Wood, clearing the banks of the Forth and Canal, and the Bonnybridge Gala...
A pickpocket acts as an inept golfer. Helpful souls become robbed. A female pickpocket turns up. The two pickpockets pick the golfers pockets. But they become disclosed. They try to escape and shoot a...
Ginger and her friend Rosa was born on the same day at the same hospital and here lies the reason for their friendship which they cherish throughout their childhood. Politically, The Cold War is high ...
The story of the secret package, the TV wall and the cosiness of home.
A Royal Engineers sergeant shows how to load two carrier pigeons into a small wicker basket for transport. At the Rosyth seaplane base Felixstowe F2A flying boats and Short 184 seaplanes ride at ancho...
An amateur newreel about Bonnybridge in the early 1980s. Features children walking for the bus, the annual Scout camp at Barr Wood, clearing the banks of the Forth and Canal, and the Bonnybridge Gala...