In einer Klinik, die einst eine Schule war, pflegen die beiden Frauen Jenjira und Keng Soldaten, die an einer rätselhaften Schlafkrankheit leiden. Während die Ärzte mit Lichttherapie experimentiere...
Tragikomödie über die zwei alten Freunde Gero und Kowsky, die eines Tages vor dem Nichts stehen, als sie ihren Arbeitsplatz als Binnenschiffer auf der Elbe verlieren. Obwohl der bodenständige Gero ...
Videobotschaft anlässlich der "Carte Blanche"-Reihe von Ulrich Tukur im Deutschen Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am Main im Mai 2016
Eine verschlafene Kleinstadt, irgendwo in der Provinz von Nordrhein-Westfalen: Hier schieben die Polizisten Deniz und Rocky sowie das Paar Netti und Hagen eine äußerst ruhige Kugel, denn die Krimina...
Der Dokumentarfilm "Menachem & Fred" erzählt die Geschichte der Brüder Menachem Mayer und Fred Raymes, die als Juden deutscher Herkunft den Holocaust in einem französischen Waisenhaus...
International newsreel with ten different elements, among them a fashion show in Paris, followed by different shows and demonstrations of airship, planes, motorcycles, cars, tractors and other farm ma...
Images, from 1914, of the production of airplanes: A double-decker is taken outside and the motor is assembled on it. The plane can be transported entirely in parts, as a construction kit.
Il film è costruito su un'esigenza di attualità legata alla situazione bellica, visto che l'Italia era entrata in guerra contro l'Austria nel maggio del 1915. Alla fine della cerimonia di matr...
Based on an English fairy tale in which poverty forces Jack to sell their cow, but in exchange gets beans instead of money. Eventually he uses the magic beans to wind up in the castle of the giant.
In preparion for war, German and French ships and hydroplanes are launched in Wilhelmshaven and Lorient. The war technology is depicted in an objective and proud manner, which today seems in stark con...
Spendid shots of the famous waterfalls filmed on the Canadian side and distributed at the time by the Belgian Cingraphique University, founded in 1926 and specialised in the distribution of documentar...
Melodrama, about a father and son sharing the love for the same charming girl. A dramatic night storm leads to jealousy and loss of honor.
The film has no plot or continuity. Almost all the first reel comes directly from IWM 236 A BOMBING TRIP OVER THE ENEMY LINES, showing Australian aircraft, and IWM 28 WITH THE AUSTRALIAN FORCES IN PAL...
Cesarina Rupert, moderna Messalina, è la moglie di Claudio, patriota e geniale inventore di macchine belliche per maggior gloria della Francia. Tra drammi passionali e intrighi spionistici una ...
La Marchesa Teresa di Fontenay si innamora di Jean Guery, un giovane giornalista; divorzia da suo marito, il vecchio Fontenay e spera di potersi sposare con il suo amato, ma lo scoppio della riv...
Primo film da protagonista per il gigante buono Maciste (al secolo Bartolomeo Pagano) che in Cabiria aveva rubato la scena a condottieri e principesse. Cambia l'epoca e l'ambiente ma non lo spirito: n...
Gustavo Panelli è innamorato di Francesca, sorella di un tenente e figlia del generale Barbaresco, il quale non consentirà mai a darla in sposa ad un borghese. Gustavo allora si arruola nell'e...
Claire is the beautiful daughter of the director of the steelworks. Revolutionaries storm the director's estate during a strike, and the director is killed. Worker Albert Fjeld remembers that Claire h...
Young Espen has been wrongfully accused of a theft at school. Worried that no one will believe him, he runs away from home, boards a ship and experiences many adventures. When he later escapes the clu...
Young hairdresser Elisabeth Borg wins the lottery and treats herself to an Easter holiday at a mountain resort. Here she is subjected to the advances of a sly deadbeat, but is rescued by-and becomes e...
Una fragorosa comica che mette in scena un nuovo duello a colpi di shrapnel, in cui i combattenti armati di martello hanno delle bombe legate dietro la schiena. I due sembrano entusiasti. Da seg...