Helene Hegemanns Verfilmung ihres eigenen Romans "Axolotl Roadkill". Im Mittelpunkt steht die 16-jährige Mifti, die seit dem Tod ihrer Mutter mit ihren älteren Halbgeschwistern Anika und Edmond in B...
In der Reihe WAS TUT SICH – IM DEUTSCHEN FILM? präsentiert das Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums einmal im Monat ein aktuelles Werk. Am 11. Juni 2014 stellte Johannes Naber seinen Film "Zeit der Kanni...
Nach der Dokumentation "Die Nordsee von oben" widmen sich Silke Schranz und Christian Wüstenberg der deutschen Ostseeküste. Die Küstenlinien messen insgesamt über 2000 Kilometer, und die Route fü...
Dokumentarfilm über die Schriftstellerin Elfriede Jelinek. Die Nobelpreisträgerin scheidet die Geister, sie wurde als Wunderkind bezeichnet und als Vaterlandsverräterin beschimpft, zeigte sich als ...
Mortimer Folchart und seine Tochter Meggie verfügen über eine besondere Gabe: Wenn sie laut aus ihren Büchern vorlesen, können sie dadurch die Figuren der Romane zu realem Leben erwecken. Allerdin...
Der junge Amerikaner Casey reist als Rucksacktourist durch Deutschland. Als seine Freundin Juliette erkrankt und Geld für eine überlebenswichtige OP benötigt, springt er als Fahrer für eine Bande ...
Napoleon is called up to the army, and says goodbye to Sally, and to the people in the film studio. He leaves. But Sally quickly chases after him, and together they arrive at "Fort Skiddoo". The chaot...
Il circuito internazionale, riservato a "aeronavi, dirigibili e macchine volanti", si svolse a Brescia dal 5 al 20 settembre 1909. Alla manifestazione partecipano molti pionieri dell'aviazione: ...
Il film rievoca alcuni momenti dell'itinerario poetico dello scrittore triestino Pier Antonio Quarantotti Gambini, soffermandosi soprattutto sulla sua unica opera in versi, "Racconto d'amore", p...
I. Newsreel item on a long mule train, with Indian Army drivers, in the deserts of Palestine, late 1917.II. Brief newsreel item on a long line of limbers and GS wagons making their way forward down a ...
I. French language version of a newsreel item on the funeral of Baron Manfred von Richthofen ('the Red Baron') at Bertangles, Western Front, 22nd April 1918. II. French language version of a newsreel ...
I. Newsreel item showing the remains of the Cloth Hall and water tower at Ypres, Western Front, March-April 1918. II. French language version of a newsreel item on the Earl of Scarborough inspecting 1...
I. Spanish language version of a newsreel item on King George V and Queen Mary visiting wounded survivors of the Zeebrugge raid, probably at Chatham, April 1918. II. Spanish language version of a news...
War drama about a woman hero, in love with a military engineer and coveted by his odious collaborationist "krauts" . She does not give in to the blackmail of a German who is lying to her about her fia...
Cesarina Rupert, moderna Messalina, è la moglie di Claudio, patriota e geniale inventore di macchine belliche per maggior gloria della Francia. Tra drammi passionali e intrighi spionistici una ...
La Marchesa Teresa di Fontenay si innamora di Jean Guery, un giovane giornalista; divorzia da suo marito, il vecchio Fontenay e spera di potersi sposare con il suo amato, ma lo scoppio della riv...
Primo film da protagonista per il gigante buono Maciste (al secolo Bartolomeo Pagano) che in Cabiria aveva rubato la scena a condottieri e principesse. Cambia l'epoca e l'ambiente ma non lo spirito: n...
Gustavo Panelli è innamorato di Francesca, sorella di un tenente e figlia del generale Barbaresco, il quale non consentirà mai a darla in sposa ad un borghese. Gustavo allora si arruola nell'e...
Claire is the beautiful daughter of the director of the steelworks. Revolutionaries storm the director's estate during a strike, and the director is killed. Worker Albert Fjeld remembers that Claire h...
Young Espen has been wrongfully accused of a theft at school. Worried that no one will believe him, he runs away from home, boards a ship and experiences many adventures. When he later escapes the clu...
Young hairdresser Elisabeth Borg wins the lottery and treats herself to an Easter holiday at a mountain resort. Here she is subjected to the advances of a sly deadbeat, but is rescued by-and becomes e...
Una fragorosa comica che mette in scena un nuovo duello a colpi di shrapnel, in cui i combattenti armati di martello hanno delle bombe legate dietro la schiena. I due sembrano entusiasti. Da seg...