Bernd möchte ein ruhiges Angel-Wochenende am See verbringen, gemeinsam mit seinem besten Freund Klaus und seinem Bruder Peter. Da freut es ihn nicht besonders, dass Klaus ausgerechnet Murat mitbringt...
Dokumentarfilm über die deutsche Filmlandschaft zwischen 1933 und 1945: Während der Nazizeit wurden in Deutschland rund 1000 Spielfilme hergestellt. Wenngleich es sich nur bei sehr wenigen davon um ...
Am 9. Oktober 2013 war Helge Schneider mit seinem Film "00 Schneider - Jagd auf Nihil Baxter" im Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums zu Gast und stellte in der Frühvorstellung seine Filmauswahl der Carte ...
Dokudrama über den Krefelder Künstler Albert Oehlen, Jahrgang 1954, der zu den "Neuen Wilden" der deutschen Kunstszene gehört. Er ist Objekt- und Installationskünstler, vor allem aber einer der be...
Hans Albers
"Dort in der Wachau" (1957)
Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Farrukh Jaffar in "Photograph" (2018)
Mark Waschke
Screenshot from "Salem No. 6 Episode 15"
Szene mit Hansjörg Felmy (rechts), Benno Hoffmann (2.v.l.)
Dani Levy, Peter Lohmeyer (from left to right) in "Hausmänner" (1991)
Maria Schell, Ivan Desny in "Herr über Leben und Tod" (1954/55)
Three Australian officers stand with a Belgian officer as escort on the balcony of the prison where Nurse Cavell was held. Next, they stand by the plaque in the prison yard marking the place where she...
The Public Health Department was created to put reception and counseling facilities into place--with the American Committee's help-- for parents in difficulty. An American Committee nurse, assisted b...
The parade starts and ends with contingents of light horse. In between them are foot soldiers, two companies each with a Maxim gun on a hand cart. All the men are in slouch hats and shirtsleeve order....
The film opens with an unrelated scene of Australian troops exploding a shell or mine in a training exercise. 1st Spahi Cavalry Regiment 'charges' the camera. One of the men demonstrates steadiness by...
1. Intertitle: Filmed by the German „Lichtbild“ company, inc., Berlin SW 19, in the factories of the Fessler (Pforzheim) Brothers, Pforzheim. 2. Intertitle: The Fessler belt is a belt made of roll...
The Higher Invention Committee attends kite flying and watches an airship in the sky.
Il padre del piccolo Momi è partito soldato e le sue lettere vengono attese con trepidazione dai famigliari a casa. In una di queste racconta l’avventura del piccolo montanaro Berto che salvò sua ...
Company film of Machine- and motor factory v/h Thomassen & Co. The film shows how heavy machines are manufactured.