Tour of the Highlands and Islands in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Scenes include farming, fishing, mountain climbing, ships, and a brief shot of the 'talkies' being installed at Balmoral.
Overview of journey from Glasgow city centre to Rothesay and Largs on passenger steamer circa 1935.
Overview of twenty one ante and post natal exercises through the combination of detailed intertitles and physical demonstration. Filming takes place at Rottenrow Maternity and Women's Hospital as wel...
A documentary, narrated and directed by Sean Connery, on the turbulent industrial relations of the workforce of Fairfield's shipyard on the Clyde during the mid 1960s.
Television documentary from the mid 1960s about the redevelopment of Dundee: new houses, destruction of slums, the building of the Tay Road Bridge, growth of shops and industry.
Japan Desk Scotland’s third documentary about the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, looking at the aftermath in the area around Okuma Town, the remaining effects of radioactive contamination, and ...
Japan Desk Scotland’s eighth documentary about the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, looking back at the work to create a radiation map of the surrounding area and the establishment of the Institu...
Russian war drama about the love between a peasant girl and a Russian prince at the time of the Russian (February) Revolution in 1917. As a young peasant girl, Mary Warren (Geraldine Farrar) is being ...
"The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Steve Coogan (front) in "Shepherds and Butchers" (2015/16)
"Above and Below" (2012-14)
Szene aus "Here and There"
Volker Michalowski (in the middle), Gael García Bernal (on the right) in "Salt and Fire" (2015/16)
Swetlana Alexjewitsch in "Near and Elsewhere" (2018)
"Love and 50 Megatons" (2019)
Trieste: il sindaco, il ministro Villabruna ed altre rappresentanze inaugurano la sesta fiera di Trieste
1 - il sindaco ed il ministro con seguito compiono il giro inaugurale
2 - padiglione ...
Ricostruito a Pietra Ligure il quartiere Ajetta distrutto dai bombardamenti. I sinistrati di riuniscono in un consorzio edile e con l'aiuto dell'Unrra Casas possono riavere le loro case - Congresso a ...
1 - piazza San Marco e palazzo ducale a Venezia
Ammannati nel suo ufficio con dei collaboratori
2 - preparzione del telone per le proiezioni dei film in concorso
3 - serata d'inaugurazi...
Versilia: persone sotto l'ombrellone in una spiaggia
Gasmann prende il sole su una sdraio
Gasmann si sveglia e strizza l'occhio alla cinepresa, poi fà un gesto interrogativo
1 - musici...
Per la Monroe, ritira il premio Elsa Martinelli.
Aeroporto di Ciampino: Fanfani all'aeroporto attorniato dai giornalisti
Fanfani saluta con un gesto della mano i fotografi
Andreotti sal...
La facciata del Palazzo delle Esposizioni di Roma, sede dell'ottava edizione della Quadriennale Nazionale d'Arte
1 - il manifesto-stendardo della mostra sospeso all'ingresso del palazzo
Journaalitem over een groep jongeren die per vliegtuig over Brussel en de Wereltentoonstelling in het bijzonder vliegen. Een groep mensen (ouders?) kijkt vanop afstand toe hoe een groep jongens en mei...
The documentary translates into images the impressions, the suggestions, the vibrations suggested to the artists by the atmospheres of two huge industrial complexes. Soundtrack is made of a piano comp...