Industrial film about the production process of grenades during the First World War. The work is predominantly done by women.
Spot Nr. 1 (00:38): Togal (Nr. 1 Kater): Animation: Black cat with a hump, plus a shrill noise. Live action: A man lies in bed and wakes up with a headache, a „hangover“ (ger. Kater = cat). Behind...
In der Reihe 'Lecture & Film: Ernst Lubitsch' hielt Filmrestauratorin Anke Wilkening am 17. November 2016 im Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums, Frankfurt den Vortrag "Probleme der Überlieferung. Zur Res...
Spot Nr. 1 (00:36): SIEMENS BILDMEISTER "Farbtreu Fernsehen": „Experience the world in color. True-color television with Siemens.“ Logo with rainbow-colored circle arranged as a mobile. Demonstrat...
Spot Nr. 1 (00:36): Medizin in Maschen: Cartoon: A rabbit knits the title „Medicine in stitches“ from the fur of another. Live action: A white negligee floats in the air. Presentation of the mater...
Spot Nr. 1 (00:37): Adler (Nr. 1 musikalisch): A man at supper in a room asks, „Are you musical? Then why don't you sing along?“ He sings, with accordion accompaniment from off-camera, „Adler ch...
Spot Nr. 1 (00:36): SIEMENS / Bildmeister "Jahreszeiten": On the screen of a TV set, first text: „Evening after evening, year after year after year, color TV sets Siemens Bildmeister.“ Color pictu...
Spot Nr. 1 (00:36): NSU (Nr. 1 Beschleunigung in der Stadt): Drawing: cars waiting at traffic lights. „The traffic light fascinates the masses. We wait quietly and calmly. And whizzed away at the gr...
Rick Kavanian, Michael Herbig, Christian Tramitz (from left to right) in "Bullyparade - Der Film" (2016/17)
FilmBühne zu "Die Mörder sind unter uns" (1946)
Jeanne Goursaud, Michael Herbig in "Bullyparade - Der Film" (2016/17)
Sebastian Rudolph (front center) in "Manta - Der Film" (1991)
"Tabaluga - Der Film" (2018)
German movie poster of "Zwei im falschen Film" (2017)
John Barron, Eva Habermann
Falco alias Johann Hölzel, Sissy Kelling