The rail station at Châtel-Chéhéry near the Aisne on 11th October 1918 showing the limit of the German advance to Paris. A view of the town itself two days later. German prisoners of war at a camp ...
Watering horses of 1st Field Artillery Brigade in the Forêt de la Reine, just north of Boucq, with considerable military traffic congestion. Men of 18th Infantry Regiment advancing in 'artillery form...
A German 420mm railway gun captured by the Australians in the Battle of Chipilly Ridge. Four Americans "of a famous division" with the fourteen German prisoners they took in the Argonne. A German 210m...
Troops repairing bridges throw rocks to splash the camera. Varennes (where, in July, 3rd Division earned the title 'Marne') showing extensive damage. An American discovering a German booby trap (acted...
I. A camp for Chasseurs Alpins in hill country, possibly the Vosges area. The camp has permanent dugouts in a hillside, while 75mm guns and limbers are being camouflaged with trees and matting. The fi...
I. Two French soldiers in silhouette are rowed by gondola to St Mark's Square in Venice, with the Doges' Palace nearby and other gondolas riding at rest. The film emphasises that war has removed the g...
One of the men demonstrates how to fit on a pair of skis. The group of Chasseurs Alpins skis from one side of a valley to the other and a few members demonstrate ski-jumping over a low jump, the major...
Men of US 2nd Division move into Thiaucourt along with their transport. The interior of the town church is badly damaged and the roof destroyed. A pan from Mount Sec, with four American soldiers in th...
German movie poster of"Der Film, den niemand sieht" (1964)
"Nordlicht - Der Nordsee Film" (2022)
Jan Josef Liefers (second on the left sitting) in "Das Pubertier - Der Film" (2016/17)
Szene aus "Die Tigerentenbande - Der Film"
Detlev Buck, Jan Josef Liefers, Harriet Herbig-Matten (from left to right) in "Das Pubertier - Der Film" (2016/17)
Otto Waalkes
Filming of "Nordlicht - Der Nordsee Film" (2022)