The fist part of a new trilogy, set against the backdrop of the great historical events which marked the history of modern Greece. An epic and lyrical reflection on Greek history and Greece in history...
A has-been burglar, Dimos (Alexis Damianos), is released from prison and, after avenging himself on the man (Stratos Pachis) who betrayed him and killed his girlfriend, he plans a heist to show that h...
Young Christos, recently released from the army, dreams of becoming a big name in folk singing. After a failed attempt at a singing career, he gets a job in the butcher shop of Mr. Michalis, husband o...
A little before he receives his grandfather, who is arriving from Istanbul, an astrophysicist recollects his childhood in Constantinople: his life there, his family, friends and childhood love. In the...
Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) returns to Greece from Germany, smuggled in a refrigerator truck. This adventure sees him arrive in Athens not only frozen, but as the new advertising slogan of the refrige...
This is the story of two children, Voula and Alexandros, who do not know who their father is but are determined to find out. During their search, they are helped by a theater troupe and a truck driver...
The Minister of Industrial Development faces two problems. One the one hand, his wife, after her unsuccessful suicide attempt, turns against him and takes up with his former associates, who oppose the...
Despite the soccer World Cup fever during the summer of 1998, a group of young people insist on rehearsing for a theatrical performance. The process they are getting into will form the identity of the...