Beautiful orphan Agni (Aliki Vougiouklaki) lives with her young brother Petrakis (Giannakis Kalatzopoulos). Their only source of income comes from the little grocery store that their parents left them...
In 1949, on the island of Ikaria, eight fighters of the Civil War, taking a little too literally the Communist Party’s admonition to be “ready for war at all times”, refuse to give up their weap...
A group of young guys are looking for the women of their dreams, each following their particular fantasy. Giorgos and Andreas spend their little money pretending to be rich, while Thymios and Iraklis,...
Two friends (Thanasis Vengos and Vasilis Diamantopoulos) meet after many years and recollect the tragi-comic events they went through during the German occupation. While they were trying to escape to ...
Andreas, a wealthy young man with a bright future ahead, graduates from the Polytechnic School while Stella, the girl he is in love with, begins her studies at the University. The two young people wan...
Four brothers are badly treated by their cruel stepmother, who only cares about money and her own pleasures and shows no interest in the health and happiness of her four stepchildren.
An old diva of the Greek cinema (Mairi Chronopoulou), although she still attracts some publicity, lives in relative seclusion, seeing only her closest friends. Two men, a young journalist (Stratos Tzo...
The search for a missing woman gives an Athenian lawyer, Manos – who is suffocating in his marriage to Kynthia – the opportunity to travel to Epirus. Leaving his familiar surroundings, he gradual...