Inga und Baldvin haben Ärger mit ihren Nachbarn. Der Grund: Der gewaltige Baum im geliebten Garten des Paares raubt den gut situierten Nachbarn die Sonne. Bald entwickelt sich aus der vermeintlich ha...
Dokumentarfilm über die Karriere des deutschen Profi-Basketballers Dirk Nowitzki, der in Amerika zum einem der erfolgreichsten Korbjäger der National Basketball Association (NBA) wurde. Der Film erz...
Ein israelischer Filmemacher reist in ein Dorf mitten in der Wüste, um in der dortigen Bibliothek seinen neuesten Film vorzustellen. Eigentlich hat er mit dem Projekt längst abgeschlossen und denkt ...
Film on the diversity of habitations in Belgium in the fifties.
Film production supported by the British occupation forces as part of the Re-Orientation Program. Set in post-war Germany, the film tells the story of the Stadtmeier couple, who are on their way to vi...
Il film è parte della tradizione del documentario etnografico. La descrizione della capitale somala fa riferimento allo stesso medium cinematografico, tra il bianco delle antiche architetture di epoc...
Heilbronn after the destruction; reconstruction; housing construction; Swabian Regional Gymnastics Festival (1959). Film footage from 1945 to the mid-1960s.
The film is preceded by the following message in the opening credits: "This is a translated version of a film produced under the supervision of the Information Control Division, Office of Military Gov...
Winter 1945: emergency aid for victims and orphans provided by a charity organisation.
The French government introduces a rental tax intended to finance the improvement and maintenance of housing.
Il documentario mostra l'imponente opera di raddoppio della linea Battipaglia - Reggio Calabria, con la realizzazione di un nuovo binario e di nuovi ponti, gallerie ed edifici. Migliaia sono gli opera...
The film outlines the state of transportation in post-war Europe and the progress being made in rebuilding and modernizing roads, airports and the rail network. National initiatives and Marshall Plan ...
A film depicts a national aid campaign supporting a development of Slovakia as a rural and more traditionally oriented part of Czechoslovakia. It puts into contrast an industrial Czech land and a folk...
A documentary film comparing current / everyday and historical / noble aspects of Prague.
Around the Blaubach and the Waidmarkt, the war damage is still clearly visible in Cologne's Südstadt. Houses lie in ruins while people try to go about their regular lives in the post-war period. View...
The city of Dresden was bombed by the Allies during the night of the 13th to the 14th of February 1945. Canadian army captures Kleve on February 26th.
To manage the increase in the number of school children and students, classrooms in prefabricated materials have been installed in schools and colleges which have become too cramped.
Reconstruction activities in Heilbronn with focus on streets and squares (Part 1): Detailed footage from the years 1946-1953; in the early footage, mainly ruins and fallow land, then increasingly rede...
Based on ancient medicine's belief that a good life depends on good health, the film attempts to take stock of the state of health in post-war Europe and the successes that have been achieved in disea...
Displaced children in post-war Europe are eventually brought to Palestine. (Source: Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive)
Not only in contrast to an untroubled childhood in America but even in co...