A few lines about a few minutes' peace of mind, made visible: I am half in a dream / half awake / when I'm left all alone/ all at peace / then I know / more than I thought / I knew / about the deeper ...
You want me to dance? I ask. Yes, my mum answers. So, where do you want me to dance? At the ward. In a psychosis, she says. But I have never been psychotic! I laugh. My mum answers quickly: That doesn...
Ray Breslin er verdens mest anerkendte autoritet, når det drejer sig om strukturel sikkerhed. Han er ekspert i at udtænke og bygge flugtsikre high-security fængsler og efterfølgende bevise, hvorda...
Popular although acidly satirical novelist Leif Panduro's last novel (1975) turned into broad-beamed family film fare: a circuit judge is saddled with a roaming wife; a drop-out son; a nasty girl-frie...
"Let's face the facts - even Jesus was a street perfomer". Ordene kommer fra en ung violinist, som tjener penge til sine studier ved at spille på gaden. New York er fuld af optrædende. På gader og ...
Liebesdrama (deutsch nachsynchron.) n. d. Stück
Documentary about the channel of Wollebroek, which connects Brussels to the river Schelde.
Promotional film about prestressed concrete made during the contruction of the National Bank (architect: Marcel Van Goethem).
Russian war drama about the love between a peasant girl and a Russian prince at the time of the Russian (February) Revolution in 1917. As a young peasant girl, Mary Warren (Geraldine Farrar) is being ...
Overview of twenty one ante and post natal exercises through the combination of detailed intertitles and physical demonstration. Filming takes place at Rottenrow Maternity and Women's Hospital as wel...
A look at the social and economic changes in Scotland during the 1950s, after the upheaval of the war. From the restoration of Iona Abbey to the development of new industries.
A short melodrama: the Chinese man Sang Lee takes pity on a white child (Jack). Twenty years later, Jack, now a prominent lawyer, defends his foster father in court from false accusations.
When the now-wealthy Jack sees his former lover by chance on the silver screen, he immediately goes looking for her.
Emperor Wilhelm II and empress Victoria of Germany on horses, escorted by horsemen, on their way to a parade at the Tempelhoferfeld in Berlin.
I Sydafrika berører religion alle dele af samfundet. Med tusinder af mennesker, der dør af aids, er religionerne i dag konfronteret med en virkelighed, som rækker ud over deres verdenssyn. Filmen g...
A family holiday around Firth of Clyde and beyond on various boats. Includes a trip to Belfast and a trip 'Doon The Watter' on the Waverley.
Troy og Gabriella har taget hul på deres sidste år på high school. Ligesom deres kammerater på East High skal de nu videre i livet med deres erfaringer fra high school i bagagen, med store håb ti...
Nick kommer tit på New Yorks indie-rock scene, hvor han plejer sine hjertesorger og spiller bas i et hardcore bøsse-band, The Jerk Offs. Norah er i en mindre krise i sit liv, hvor hun stiller spørg...
Amerikaneren Frederick Wiseman regnes for et af de største navne inden for dokumentarfilmen. I over 20 år har han lavet film om amerikanske institutioner - ukommenterede beskrivelser af forholdet me...
Tre eksperimenter samlet under overskriften »Scratching the Eyes Out. In Three Lessons". Princippet for scratch er, at man stjæler fra film, TV og reklamebilleder, redigerer dem sønder og sammen og...
I 1980 skræmte Stanley Kubrick en hel verden med sin filmatisering af "The Shining - Ondskabens hotel". Filmen er en af de mest uhyggelige nogensinde og har gennem årene været genstand for mange sp...
Så er den gal igen: Unge mennesker, der går ind i uhyggelige gamle huse, uskyldigt udseende lejligheder, der rummer uanede kræfter, monstre og galninge. Og Charlie Sheen. David Zucker står endnu e...
Winter bathing at Helgoland. Bathing at Langebro with humorous actions; a man in a dress jumps in, one with a bicycle, lunch with beer is eaten in the water.
<p>Der er formentlig tale om den første direkte postflyvning mellem København og London. På flynæsen står: "Hillman's Airways British Airways"."Hillman's" var et kommercielt flyselskab, der...