A few lines about a few minutes' peace of mind, made visible: I am half in a dream / half awake / when I'm left all alone/ all at peace / then I know / more than I thought / I knew / about the deeper ...
You want me to dance? I ask. Yes, my mum answers. So, where do you want me to dance? At the ward. In a psychosis, she says. But I have never been psychotic! I laugh. My mum answers quickly: That doesn...
Ray Breslin er verdens mest anerkendte autoritet, når det drejer sig om strukturel sikkerhed. Han er ekspert i at udtænke og bygge flugtsikre high-security fængsler og efterfølgende bevise, hvorda...
Popular although acidly satirical novelist Leif Panduro's last novel (1975) turned into broad-beamed family film fare: a circuit judge is saddled with a roaming wife; a drop-out son; a nasty girl-frie...
"Let's face the facts - even Jesus was a street perfomer". Ordene kommer fra en ung violinist, som tjener penge til sine studier ved at spille på gaden. New York er fuld af optrædende. På gader og ...
Liebesdrama (deutsch nachsynchron.) n. d. Stück
Documentary about the channel of Wollebroek, which connects Brussels to the river Schelde.
Promotional film about prestressed concrete made during the contruction of the National Bank (architect: Marcel Van Goethem).
The Gathering at Glenfinnan in the Highlands to mark the 200th anniversary of raising the standard of James VIII of Scotland and III of England.
An illustration of the various outdoor activities by youth groups at Glenmore Lodge in the Cairngorms.
I. The film contrasts quotes from a German newspaper given as 'Westphalia Daily News' reporting the damage or destruction of prominent landmarks in the centre of London with film of those places taken...
A group of about eight men and women picking grapes in a vineyard - the atmosphere is relaxed and cheerful, with only an overseer figure taking the task completely seriously; a close-up of a girl with...
I. Columns of British companies march into the city on 18th October. They are Liverpool Irish, otherwise 8th Battalion, King's (Liverpool Regiment) of 57th (West Lancashire) Division. The men carry fl...
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy sightseeing in Edinburgh where they visit the castle and make an appearance on stage at the Playhouse Cinema.
A poster lists the various "Electoral Districts in Canada". Polling took place between 1 and 17 December. Men of 7th Brigade, Canadian 3rd Division read the poster. The brigade is 49th (Edmonton) Batt...
President Kekkonen in Lapland. President Kekkonen travels to Iceland. Sir Tito Winyi, King of Uganda, visits Finland. Mr Karam buys square timber for Egypt in Finland. Passenger liner Arcadia in Helsi...
Sports events in 1961: Lahti Ski Games. European Championships in speed skating at the Olympic Stadium in Helsinki. Figure skating. Basketball: Finland v. Denmark. Boxing: Finland v. Sweden. Handball:...
Black Hills-bjergene vest for Wounded Knee er smukke turistattraktioner i dag ¿ for 100 år siden var området skueplads for massakren på Sioux-indianerne. I filmen følges dels en amerikansk famili...
Denne prisvindende portrætfilm om Velvet Undergrounds frontfigur og Andy Warhols yndlingsblondine Nico giver et usminket men respektfuldt indblik i hendes omvæltende liv fra feteret Vogue-fotomodel ...
Da den svenskfødte sanger Jussi Björling døde i 1960, blot 49 Ã¥r gammel, havde han opnÃ¥et et internationalt renommé som en af operahistoriens største tenorer. Og som en af Enrico Carusos fÃ¥ vÃ...
Som selvlært sanger var den danskfødte Helge Rosvænge (1897-1972) noget af en ener blandt operatenorernes verdenselite. Efter debuten i 1921 virkede Rosvænge mest i Tyskland og Østrig, hvor han m...
Den danskfødte sanger Lauritz Melchior (1890-1973) regnes som en af operahistoriens førende heltetenorer. Efter debuten i »Tannhäuser" i 1918 blev Melchior især kendt som Wagner-fortolker, idet h...
Report on the Nordic art project FLYING CONCRETE in Copenhagen from July 23th to September 15th, 1984. Artists represented: Greenland: Jessie Christensen. Finland: Pekka Nevaleinen / Hannu Siren. Swed...