Documentary that dissects the judicial system with fictional scenes.
Incomplete film on the airplane 'Princesse Marie-Jose'
Documentary made in Sweden for Belgian audiences after the sudden death of Queen Astrid.
"Amerasia" (1985)
German movie poster of "Astrid" (2018)
Dorothea Moritz, Dagmar Beiersdorf (v.l.n.r.)
Alicia Vikander in "Grenzenlos" (2017)
Szene mit Rudolf Fernau (Mitte)
Harry Piel, Dary Holm
Henny Porten
"Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull" (1957)
A visit ot the International fair of inventors in Brussels.
Documentary about the works of Paul Delvaux.
Promotional film about the FN car plant at Herstal.
Promotional film for Victoria chocolate products that delves into the past.
Construction project for 51 social villas at the Clos du Pinson in Watermael-Boitsfort.
A railroadworker at his daily work. When he crosses the rails, his foot gets jammed in a switch. He desperately tries to pull out his foot. Suddenly, a train approaches. A mortal agony begins.
Helga Schuchardt, Sabine Gräfin von Nayhauß-Cormons, Christa Nickels, Roswitha Verhülsdonk, Renate Faerber-Husemann, Ursula Männle, Herta Däubler-Gmelin, Ingrid Matthäus-Maier, Renate Hellwig, M...
Dokumentarfilm über die jamaikanische Fußballnationalmannschaft. Das Team nennt sich selbst "The Reggae Boyz", in Anspielung auf die Musikkultur des Landes, aber auch um die tänzerische Lässigkeit...