(Reel 1) King George V and General Sir Herbert Plumer, commanding Second Army to which the two divisions were attached, are greeted by 30th (Old Hickory) Division commander, Major-General Edward M Lew...
The R36 is nose-forward in its shed. Workers turn a large capstan to wind back the doors of the shed and the airship is towed out. It is clearly marked as R36 and as G-FAAF. It takes off from its laun...
III. A study of the inhabitants as they pick almonds, including a lady "of low caste" (according to the shotsheet) a girl and a veiled lady of high caste. It is not clear whether these are Jewish or M...
I. The film opens as the Queen leaves a factory escorted by a mayor. It jumps to her inspecting Royal Marines and Royal Navy ratings drawn up at Chatham. The King is also present, in naval uniform. Th...
The intimate story of a family from Iraq who left their home and came to live in Scotland five years ago.
(Reel 1) The opening shows the destruction near Bapaume and Péronne caused by the German retreat. Buildings have been blown up, trees cut down. A British cyclist patrol is greeted by the population o...
(Reel 1) Connaught Rangers eating in billets near Hulluch, March 1916. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers near Messines, June 1917. Royal Munster Fusiliers march to Mass near Hulluch, March 1916. 2nd Battal...
The children of Rosehearty Primary School join with older members of the village to record memories of the village in the early half of the century, illustrated by a varied montage of photographs. Inc...
Episode: In freier Wildbahn
Werner Hinz, Eugen Klöpfer (v.l.n.r.)
Hannes Wegener
Hans Albers
"Dort in der Wachau" (1957)
Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Farrukh Jaffar in "Photograph" (2018)
Mark Waschke
Screenshot from "Salem No. 6 Episode 15"
Troy og Gabriella har taget hul på deres sidste år på high school. Ligesom deres kammerater på East High skal de nu videre i livet med deres erfaringer fra high school i bagagen, med store håb ti...
Nick kommer tit på New Yorks indie-rock scene, hvor han plejer sine hjertesorger og spiller bas i et hardcore bøsse-band, The Jerk Offs. Norah er i en mindre krise i sit liv, hvor hun stiller spørg...
Amerikaneren Frederick Wiseman regnes for et af de største navne inden for dokumentarfilmen. I over 20 år har han lavet film om amerikanske institutioner - ukommenterede beskrivelser af forholdet me...
Tre eksperimenter samlet under overskriften »Scratching the Eyes Out. In Three Lessons". Princippet for scratch er, at man stjæler fra film, TV og reklamebilleder, redigerer dem sønder og sammen og...
I 1980 skræmte Stanley Kubrick en hel verden med sin filmatisering af "The Shining - Ondskabens hotel". Filmen er en af de mest uhyggelige nogensinde og har gennem årene været genstand for mange sp...
Så er den gal igen: Unge mennesker, der går ind i uhyggelige gamle huse, uskyldigt udseende lejligheder, der rummer uanede kræfter, monstre og galninge. Og Charlie Sheen. David Zucker står endnu e...
Winter bathing at Helgoland. Bathing at Langebro with humorous actions; a man in a dress jumps in, one with a bicycle, lunch with beer is eaten in the water.
<p>Der er formentlig tale om den første direkte postflyvning mellem København og London. På flynæsen står: "Hillman's Airways British Airways"."Hillman's" var et kommercielt flyselskab, der...