Cyclical year in the life of the Taggart family as they take up residence at Marywell Farm. Their first experiences of country life.
Surrealistic view of the "Honeymoon couple", interrupted by salesmen, consumer goods, jealousy, anger and infidelity. [Award winner in the 1957 Scottish Amateur Film Festival.]
Romantic adventure film in which Betty, who dreams about pirates, and her father, a gullible professor, are tricked by a bunch of real pirates. They are rescued by a young man who has a crush on Betty...
The parade starts and ends with contingents of light horse. In between them are foot soldiers, two companies each with a Maxim gun on a hand cart. All the men are in slouch hats and shirtsleeve order....
An honour guard of Infantry marches into position beside the dock, past Roberts' ship, the SS Dunnottar Castle. Roberts, in Field Marshal's dress blue uniform, comes down the gangplank, followed by hi...
The wooden huts of the hospital show various bomb blasts but little fire damage. Four coffins, covered in Union Jacks, are wheeled on trollies by soldiers. A single coffin, also covered with a Union J...
Only the brake-wheel can be seen of the train, and for part of the time a lance-corporal brakeman with his back to the camera. The track moves through the rubble, clay and destroyed villages of the ar...
Russian war drama about the love between a peasant girl and a Russian prince at the time of the Russian (February) Revolution in 1917. As a young peasant girl, Mary Warren (Geraldine Farrar) is being ...
Hannelore Hoger
German movie poster of "Kosmetik des Bösen" (2021)
"Der Prinz und der Dybbuk" (2017)
Guest House Dining Hall at Beit Oren in "Bickels [Socialism]" (2015-17)
Özer Kiziltan
Maciej Sykala, Justyna Bartoszewicz in "Worst Case Scenario" (2012-14)
"Orania" (2012)
Else Elster, Georg Alexander, Julia Serda (v.l.n.r.)
A film about the production of Longines watches at their factory in Saint-Imier.
"L'Etna è un mondo in continua creazione", distrugge ma edifica, semina morte ma prepara la vita. Immagini di fumo, cenere, zampilli e fiumi interi di lava che scorrono minacciosi vengono alter...
Schicksalsberg Piz Palü: Hier verliert Dr. Krafft bei einem Unfall seine Frau Maria. Seitdem wandert er ruhelos über den Berg. Zehn Jahre später erscheint er in einer einsamen Berghütte bei der Ve...
Dokumentarfilm über den tschechischen Regisseur Miloš Forman, der vor allem durch die oscarprämierten Klassiker "One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest" ("Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest") und "Amadeu...
Report about the anniversary day burgomaster Leon A. Bekaert organised in Zwevegem on July 21 1950, in which he paid homage to its employees. Bekaert was also head of the Bekaert Wireworks, which had ...
Ceremonies on the occasion of the coronation of Leopold III.
Promotional film on the Belgian breed of horses.
The repatriation of the body of Queen Astrid after her fatal car accident in Switzerland.