I. Columns of British companies march into the city on 18th October. They are Liverpool Irish, otherwise 8th Battalion, King's (Liverpool Regiment) of 57th (West Lancashire) Division. The men carry fl...
A poster lists the various "Electoral Districts in Canada". Polling took place between 1 and 17 December. Men of 7th Brigade, Canadian 3rd Division read the poster. The brigade is 49th (Edmonton) Batt...
The film opens with an unrelated scene of Australian troops exploding a shell or mine in a training exercise. 1st Spahi Cavalry Regiment 'charges' the camera. One of the men demonstrates steadiness by...
(Reel 1) Food, fodder and equipment are unloaded at a railhead freightyard, and put into motorised and horse-drawn vehicles for the trip up to Mount Tonale and the River Piave valley. The convoys move...
I. The steam catapult trials carried out at the Armstrong Whitworth plant, Elswick, and later at the Experimental Aircraft Depot, Isle of Grain. A steam catapult fitted to HMS Slinger is used first to...
I. Troops and transport camels of 52nd (Lowland) Division in the streets of El Mejdel (captured 9 November) including the well inside a mosque. Part of a squadron of 1st Hyderabad Lancers riding throu...
Life on Marywell Farm during the first years of the Taggart family's occupancy.
An officer, possibly Major-General H B de Lisle, presenting medals to a kilted battalion, who then march past. A pan over a group from the battalion sitting and smoking. They are possibly the Canadian...
Tante Tille bor på en lille gård på landet. Da hun en dag finder en forladt ræveunge, tager hun den med hjem og kalder den Mikkel. Tilles nabo, Orla Olsen, er jæger, og da han en dag finder en fo...
Frankrig 1913. Gentlemantyven Philippe de Ledocq er aldrig blevet grebet på fersk gerning til stor ærgrelse for politiinspektør Fernand Maubert. Det lykkes dog politiinspektøren at fange Ledocqs m...
Mary is in love with a young farmer, who goes abroad to earn money. During his absence, Mary's family is assailed by disease and poverty. Since she has not heard from her beloved for a long time, she ...
Documentary on the 20th anniversary of the Symphonic orchestra.
Il documentario illustra alcune fasi della costruzione della diga del Vajont, mettendo particolarmente in luce la dimensione umana degli operai che stanno lavorando all’impresa. I lavoratori s...
Roma, agosto 1960: tutta la città imbandierata attende l'inizio della 17a Olimpiade, Roma si presenta agli atleti e ai suoi stessi cittadini rinnovata grazie a nuovi impianti sportivi e nuove o...
Spyros (Manos Katrakis), a political refugee, returns to his homeland in his old age after many years in exile. His return is thorny, as even his wife (Ntora Volanaki) is like a stranger to him. Spyro...
Da den unge californiske kvinde Susan Murphy på sin bryllupsdag uforvarende bliver ramt af en meteor fuld af rum-snask, begynder hun på mystisk vis at vokse og når en højde på 15 meter og 22 cent...
¿Vi klæder os alle på til Bill¿ siger Vogues redaktør Anna Wintour. Den ¿Bill¿ det drejer sig om, er den mere end 80-årige New York Times-fotograf Bill Cunningham. I årtier har denne usædvan...
Joe er looper. Det er jordens nemmeste job i 2040. På nærmere bestemte tidspunkter og steder møder han op med sin skyder og likviderer en bagbundet mand med en sæk over hovedet. Det er den perfekt...
Da Ane pludselig en dag uden varsel flytter ind i et drengekollektiv på Vesterbro i København, skaber det uro i balancen mellem drengerøvene. De må gøre plads i lejligheden, ændre deres lumre ru...