En nat om året, fra syv aften til syv morgen, er alle regler ophævet. Loven er sat ud af kraft, politiet holder sig væk, hospitalerne er lukkede. Men regnskaberne kan gøres op og uheldige elemente...
"Fortidens skygger hviler stadig tungt over denne kvinde" - den tyske producer Ray Müller har talt med Leni Riefensthal, skaberen af de berømte og berygtede dokumentarfilm »Viljens triumf" fra 1935...
En grammofonplade med Chopins Vals i cis-mol sammenknytter otte forskellige historier:<p>En ung mand køber pladen til en vens kone, som han har en affære med. Vennen opdager forholdet. Pladen ...
In a small patriarchal community on Scotland's rugged Atlantic coast Bess is considered a good but simple-minded girl, who should not really marry Jan, her foreign oil-rig machinist friend. When Jan i...
After a long absence, famous pianist Zetterstrøm returns from New York to his native Copenhagen on the occasion of a gala concert. A perfectionist by nature, he has one major personal flaw; he has lo...
When Uncle Anders learns he is inheriting a castle on Funen, the whole family piles in the car to go to there for heir holiday. As it turns out, another family is also claiming title to the castle. A ...
Sommeren er som somre plejer at være i Mumidalen, varm og hyggelig - og fuld af muligheder. Men en nat bliver det storm, og langt ude i himmelrummet lyser et rødt øje, som bliver større og større...
Erin Gruwell ankommer til Wilson High School med de højeste idealer. Hun vil gerne gøre en forskel, især for de børn, der kommer fra de fattige kvarterer, med problemer i familien. De mere erfarne...
The American Committee's health department brings the medical authorities' and parliamentary circles' attention to the state of children's public health in the disaster-stricken Aisne region. Seventee...
I. RAMC men help refugees in a street in Douai to load both themselves and their belongings into a British Army lorry. As the last one is loaded the tailboard is closed up and the people wave as the l...
Close-up of a sergeant holding a football marked 2Y&L. Pan over the men of the battalion, lying, sitting or standing informally, with two Lewis machine guns in the front row. Two lance-corporals sitti...
An amateur film promoting the town of Dumbarton, including shots of its main industries, streets and leisure activities
(Reel 1) King George V and General Sir Herbert Plumer, commanding Second Army to which the two divisions were attached, are greeted by 30th (Old Hickory) Division commander, Major-General Edward M Lew...
Liebeskomödiee (englisch, später synchron.)
Women exercising during a keep-fit class.
The ceremony takes place in a field, with men of Plumer's staff watching as he pins medals for bravery onto women officers of the Queen Alexandra's First Aid Nursing Yeomanry and the Voluntary Aid Det...