More than 200 set designs and 900 film costume designs, sketches and notes by distinguished German (film) architects Otto Hunte, Walter Reimann and Hans Poelzig and costume designers such as Ali Hubert, Helga Kischkat-Reuter and Irms Pauli can now be accessed via the EFG. Many of the design sketches represent milestones in their field, e.g. the set designs for “Metropolis” (1925/26) or “Der Golem wie er in die Welt kam” (1920).
Detailed description provided by the archive:
A main focus of the collection activities of Deutsches Filminstitut is on set and costume design. 900 digitised original film costume designs, sketches and notes by German costume designers Ali Hubert (+1940), Herbert Ploberger (1902-1977), Helga Kischkat-Reuter (1928-2010), Alfred Bücken, Erna Sander (+1991), Ursula Maes and Irms Pauli (1926-1988) document the development of German film and TV costumes from 1920 to 1985 and provide insights on how film costume design influenced contemporary fashion design.
The EFG portal also displays more than 200 digitised original set designs and sketches by film architect Otto Hunte (1881-1960), painter and film architect Walter Reimann (1887-1936) and architect Hans Poelzig (1869-1936). The collections unite valuable and significant material on classical German film architecture (e.g. “Die Nibelungen“ 1922-24, “Metropolis“ 1925/26, “Frau im Mond“ 1928/29, “Der Golem wie er in die Welt kam“ 1920, “Lebende Buddhas“ 1923-1925).