Dykes and acqueduct's construction in the Flumendosa valley and the Mulargie, in Sardinia.
After the liberation of Alsace, inventory of Alsatian villages and images of the reconstruction.
The presenter Jacqueline Joubert explains what television is and how it works.
Delegation of young Soviets visiting the Cité Radieuse and the Vélodrome stadium in Marseille.
La ricostruzione dell'industria tessile italiana nel dopoguerra con gli aiuti dell'Amministrazione delle Nazioni Unite per la riabilitazione e il soccorso dei Paesi liberati.
1 - un paesino di mo...
Creazione di squadre di volontari per dissotterare le mine disseminate sul territorio italiano.
1 - cartello in testa a ricordo di quanti morirono nel tentativo di disinnescare le mine;
2 - ...
Il documentario illustra il lavoro di ricostruzione e di restauro di alcuni monumenti dell'antichità romana, di chiese, di mosaici e di affreschi del Lazio.
1 - panoramica sui Fori romani
Il documentario illustra le danze, le musiche, i costumi folkloristici di alcune regioni italiane.
1 - in uno scenario alpino gli abitanti del Passo del Pordoi si esibiscono in musiche e danze fo...
In the mountains of Austria, Norway and Italy, in France's Rhone Valley - Europe is harnessing waterways and building large power plants to supply much-needed, cheap electricity to Europe's revitalize...
A central message of the modernization program, which was the ERP, lay in the promise that the increase in productivity would also, and above all, benefit the consumer via the resulting fall in prices...
Film production supported by the British occupation forces as part of the Re-Orientation Program. Set in post-war Germany, the film tells the story of the Stadtmeier couple, who are on their way to vi...
Winter 1945: emergency aid for victims and orphans provided by a charity organisation.
The film is fully in the tradition of ethnographic documentary. The description of the Somali capital refers to the same cinematic medium, between the white of the ancient architecture of different pe...
This series includes twelve films that report on economic successes and progress in various countries of Euopa. All but the film on France have been preserved. © 2002 Linda R. Christenson
Film extracts and sequences illustrating the French cinema and denouncing the taxes for the film industry.
A plane lands in Berlin, passengers leave the plane and pass through customs, suitcases are unloaded. Ride by cab or bus into the city. Chancellor Adenauer on the bus to Berlin. Stream of refugees in ...