Asphalt Gorillas Small-time crook Atris is tired of working for Berlin crime lord El Keitar. Yet in order to build his own syndicate, he needs money. When his friend Frank offers him a lucrative deal,...
Asphalt Gorillas Small-time crook Atris is tired of working for Berlin crime lord El Keitar. Yet in order to build his own syndicate, he needs money. When his friend Frank offers him a lucrative deal,...
Asphalt Gorillas Small-time crook Atris is tired of working for Berlin crime lord El Keitar. Yet in order to build his own syndicate, he needs money. When his friend Frank offers him a lucrative deal,...
Asphalt Gorillas Small-time crook Atris is tired of working for Berlin crime lord El Keitar. Yet in order to build his own syndicate, he needs money. When his friend Frank offers him a lucrative deal,...
In der Reihe WAS TUT SICH – IM DEUTSCHEN FILM? präsentiert das Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums einmal im Monat ein aktuelles Werk. Am 11. Oktober 2018 stellte Detlev Buck im Gespräch mit Urs Spörr...
Nura Habib, Gerdi Zint in "Asphaltgorillas" (2018)
Georg Friedrich, Stefanie Giesinger, Jannis Niewöhner (v.l.n.r.) in "Asphaltgorillas" (2018)
Jannis Niewöhner, Stefanie Giesinger in "Asphaltgorillas" (2018)
Viola Jäger (Olga Film), Uisenma Borchu, director of photography Marc Achenbach, director Detlev Buck, Kirsten Niehuus (Medienboard), Jannis Niewöhner, Veronika Grob (Medienboard) (left to right) on...
Jannis Niewöhner in "Asphaltgorillas" (2018)
Uisenma Borchu in "Asphaltgorillas" (2018)
Hung Manh Le, Jannis Niewöhner (left to right) in "Asphaltgorillas" (2018)
Kida Khodr Ramadan (second from left), Samuel Schneider (third from left), Ella Rumpf in "Asphaltgorillas" (2018)