In Filiatra, a nearly deserted township in Messenia, the few farmers who remain are constantly struggling to pay off their debts to the Agricultural Bank. A tailor and old runner named Andreas (Vaggel...
Soon after his mother’s death, Thanassis, a student at the National Technical University (Polytechnic) of Athens, moves to the house of his forty-five-year-old brother Petros, who, in his mind, is s...
A director, going through an existential and creative crisis, tries to conceive and write a screenplay for his new film. He makes up a story where the protagonist is a successful man in an existential...
Blinded by his jealousy, a photographer decides to organize a plot in order to break up the relationship between a pilot and a model, an old flame of his.
The search for a missing woman gives an Athenian lawyer, Manos – who is suffocating in his marriage to Kynthia – the opportunity to travel to Epirus. Leaving his familiar surroundings, he gradual...