A children’s film about the adventures of a young boy, Lampros, who returns to school after an absence of many days due to an accident. Lampros has a loyal and true friend [his dog, whom he calls Ly...
In post-war Athens, Elli, an orphan girl, falls in love with spoilt rich Kostas (Andreas Barkoulis) and becomes pregnant. Unaware of her pregnancy, he soon abandons her, and the girl gives up her baby...
Young Giannis escapes from prison and hides in a deserted factory, with the dream of traveling far away. At the factory, a group of university students rehearse Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dre...
A wretched guy, Spyros, wants to marry off his sister, Marianna, a lively little hussy. He wants to give her an apartment for her dowry but doesn’t have enough money for something like that. Thus, h...
Dimitris (Nikos Xanthopoulos) is a captain whose wife has died. His young son studies at a boarding school. Thomas (Stefanos Stratigos), who works with Dimitris, asks his niece Agni (Katerina Vasilako...
A wealthy young painter from Athens, Pavlos, falls in love with Marina, a local girl on the island where he vacations. But, all too soon, he has to return to the city, putting an end to their untested...
The daughter (Martha Vourtsi) of an employee in a shipyard (Lavrentis Dianellos) works as a maid in the house of the shipyard owner. She falls in love with the son’s boss (Vyron Pallis) and the coup...
A rich young man, Tony Danalis, is in love with poor Lena and wants to become a writer. His first book is based on the confessions of an unfortunate mother, Rita, who has been looking for her child fo...