It is an articulated film comprised of three free-standing stories with a common theme: the attitude of the Greeks under the yoke of a foreign power. The Clock, the first story, is a comedy set on the...
Manolis, an officer of the Greek Army (Alekos Alexandrakis) arrives on Crete, after its fall to the Germans. In collaboration with partisans and allied English saboteurs, under the leadership of capta...
"Out in Ost-Berlin" (2012/13)
Sonja Ziemann, Walter Giller
Leila Albayaty, Tarek Atoui (in the back) in "Berlin Telegram" (2012)
Sven Marquardt in "Berlin Bouncer" (2019)
Smiley Baldwin in "Berlin Bouncer" (2019)
Welket Bungué, Jella Haase in "Berlin Alexanderplatz" (2020)
Frank Künster in "Berlin Bouncer" (2019)
The film "Das Sündenschiff" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The film "Das Rennen des Todes" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The film "Vorderhaus und Hinterhaus" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The film "Gauner, Dieb & Co" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The film "Maciste, der Held der Berge" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The film "Die Frau mir den vier Gesichtern" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.
The film "Harry heiratet" was permitted by the censorship office in Berlin. One scene was banned.
The film "Das Tagebuch eines Pfarrers oder Jocelyn" was banned by the censorship office in Berlin.