The coming of age of a young student (Alexandros Logothetis) through a series of incidents and erotic-emotional occurances. At the same time, his mother (Betty Livanou) becomes pregnant, without there...
A scientist (Aris Lempesopoulos), shortly before completing research that should change many things for mankind, realizes that a dangerous ring has formed around him. Suddenly, a mysterious woman come...
A drug dealer, by the characteristic name “Boss”, moves “merchandise” with the help of his girlfriend Monroe, his partner Remoulas and the transvestite Ursula. All three of them are in the dru...
Nikos (Christos Kalavrouzos) returns to Athens, after twenty years at sea, with the intention of finding out how his little brother died. He repairs his old motorcycle and goes out again into the stre...
Marios Delipetrou (Lampros Konstantaras) is released from prison after serving a sentence of seven years. He had stolen some money to help his friend Dimitris. An unknown chauffeur picks him up and dr...
In the autumn of 1948, a little before the end of the Civil War in Greece, six young leftists from Thessaloniki, sensing their impending arrest and death, think up an exceptionally daring plan: they d...
In 1936, the balance between centrist and right-wing political forces that support the Metaxas regime is undermined by the hostage-taking of lawyer and right-wing MP Kontaxis. In a square, a union mem...
Thanasis (Thanasis Vengos) is called upon, during the Occupation, to testify at the trial of a taverna owner accused of serving cat meat to his customers. He too is accused of perjury and imprisoned w...