It is an articulated film comprised of three free-standing stories with a common theme: the attitude of the Greeks under the yoke of a foreign power. The Clock, the first story, is a comedy set on the...
This is a composite, three-part film comprising three independent stories with a common theme: Greek behavior when placed under foreign yoke. The first part, entitled “The Clock”, is a comedy se...
A singer (Alexis Georgiou) who wants to make easy money goes to an island where he aids a gang of antiquity smugglers. He stays at a fisherman’s (Vasilis Mavrommatis) hut, and, together with a colle...
Alexia (Jenny Karezi) is a young woman who comes from the countryside and is in love with the rich Paris (Andreas Barkoulis), who is studying abroad. Her stepmother (Despo Diamantidou) treats her crue...
A womanizing lawyer (Alekos Alexandrakis) spends his holidays at his mother’s hotel (Eleni Chalkousi) in Corfu. He is unaware of the fact that his mother and a business man named Lanitis (Lykourgos ...
During the German occupation, the Nazis plan to execute 30 men in retaliation for the death of a German soldier at the hands of the partisans. Among the men are three brothers (Giorgos Fountas, Anesti...
Miranta (Jenny Karezi) is a rich and spoilt daughter of an Athenian businessman. She accompanies her father to Mesolonggi, where they have fish farms in the best areas of the salt marshes. The local f...
The young English tourist Annabel (Ann Lonnberg), who spends her holidays at a seaside village in Greece, meets a poor shepherd (Giannis Voglis) who uses gestures to make her understand that there is ...