Before the revolution, it served as a regular prison for Batista's political adversaries. The patients confined there lived a life in incredible misery. We visited the hospital on a hot day in July 19...
So close to the source is the jumping dancing stream of colours that no forms or shapes can be captured. The thunder of creation is so loud, so strong, that the joy of movement foreshadow future possi...
A few lines about a few minutes' peace of mind, made visible: I am half in a dream / half awake / when I'm left all alone/ all at peace / then I know / more than I thought / I knew / about the deeper ...
Drozdov talk of his understanding of 'freedom'. He compares present freedom as it used to be in the Ukraine; he describes how close friendships, earlier as now, create a space in which a feeling of fr...
About vagabonds. The film shows scenes from the everyday lives of vagabonds, about being on the road. Not necessarily every single day of the year. How they provide themselves with the necessities of ...
A successful young woman lives a seemingly perfect life. She has an ideal husband, an exciting job as a fashion photographer, but something is not quite right. In her dreams, she is confronted by an u...
Barney Richards is 37 years old. He lives with his mother in a provincial town. One night at the local discotheque he bumps into Gavin, an old aquaintance, who is doing well in the capital. Suddenly, ...
Carsten, a 50-year-old, married high-school teacher, is having an affair with Pil, a much younger woman, who is politically active. Carsten's wife, Nina, wants a divorce. Pil is involved in a politica...
31020 - Marne (1918) - Blown up bridge Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
0420 - Bois des Loges forest - Canon de 240 (Santerre, Picardie)
31113 - Courcelles (Oise, Picardie) - The church Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
31116 - In the Forest of Argonne - A machine gunner (possibly during the Battle of the Argonne Forest in 918) Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
31101 - Craonne - Shell hole (Aisne, Picardie) Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
31117 - Argonne - Fontaine houillette (Fontaine-Houyette, Argonne)
31118 - Argonne - View over the city of La Harazée Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
32992 - Champagne - Saint Martin church in Suippes (Marne) Stereoscopic glass plate from a private collection in Alsace-Lorraine.
To større historier, én alvorlig og melodramatisk og én noget lettere, samt flere mindre sidehistorier, væves sammen og giver, fra forskellige vinkler, et billede af tilværelsens kringlede forhol...
En ung ejendomsmægler, der er afhængig af kokain, må efter nogle ulovlige transaktioner gøre sig usynlig, og tilfældigt hører han om en klinik for stofmisbrugere, der lover fuld diskretion. Han ...
Et advokatfirma vil gøre alt for at imponere en klient og hyrer en konsulent, der kan udforme en flot powerpointpræsentation.
Skildring af de sidste 10 år af Vincent van Goghs liv, med speciel vægt på forholdet mellem Vincent og hans bror Theo, der støttede Vincent så godt han kunne og nærmest viede sit liv til fremme ...
Historien er inspireret af virkeligheden og tager sin begyndelse da Melvin en nat samler en forkommen ældre mand op, der hævder at være mangemillionæren Howard Hughes. Derefter fortælles der om M...