A young woman (Christina Kontseta), who is pursued by a crazy man (Paschalis Tsarouchas), struggles to survive on an isolated plateau. This man is one of two who have been the subject of secret experi...
It is Christmas Eve and Martha, Eleni's grandaughter, is sent out to beg in the streets, is hit by a car and seriously injured. Martha’s grandmother, Eleni, is Mrs. Olga’s maid from Southern Epir...
A couple in crisis comes closer when the woman (who suspecting her husband of adultery) decides to work as a dancer in a nightclub. When he sees her dancing, he desires her again.
In medieval times, an actress seduces a General and gets to know his world, a world full of conspiracies and intrigue. Soon, the General has to go to war again, and during his absence the actress fall...
The lives of three different people, who share loneliness and a hope for the future, change dramatically when they encounter.
In 1922, an American photographer returns to his homeland by ship from Smyrni. On the same ship are 700 Greek women who are going to America in order to get married. The photographer falls in love wit...