The film is the first musical comedy of Dalianidis. Lakis, a bank employee (Ntinos Iliopoulos) makes life difficult for his fiancée (Martha Karagianni), because his principals prevent him from marryi...
A high school student (Aliki Vougiouklaki) falls in love with a doctor (Dimitris Papamichail). They go to Istanbul for their honeymoon, but when they return, she misses her school and decides to go ba...
A poor medical student, Petros, works as a waiter to make ends meet. So he accepts the enticing proposal of Kostas Fragkopoulos, a well-off customer, to marry his sister Liza with the promise of a “...
Stefanos (Nikos Kourkoulos) meets and falls in love with Marina (Aliki Vougiouklaki). However, Stephanos’ wife Soula (Lily Papagianni) stands as an obstacle to their love when she refuses to give hi...
Fourtounakis’ (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos) daughter (Aliki Vougiouklaki) is forced to get engaged with Skandalakis (Spyros Kalogirou). But the return of Vrontakis (Dimitris Papamichail) from Athens a...
Rena’s father insists on marrying her off to the son of a shipowner. Rena, however, doesn’t even want to hear about it, so she runs away and disguises herself as a boy named Pipis. As such, she me...