In a village a woman catches her husband red-handed with an unfortunate orphan named Marigo, who is then exposed to public ridicule and forced to flee to Athens. In Athens, Marigo gets a job as a hous...
A 40-year-old widow (Rena Vlachopoulou) falls in love with a musician (Andreas Barkoulis), but her siblings (Giannis Michalopoulos and Melpo Zarokosta) want her to marry a rich, but deaf, man. The wom...
In Paris, Miss Hellas, Maria Stathatou (Eleni Prokopiou), falls in love with Dimitris (Andreas Ntouzos) who will soon return to Greece with his rich father. After some time, Dimitris, who is serving h...
A young shipowner, Alekos Vlastos, against the will of his mother who runs the family shipping firm, marries a poor girl, Rena, who won the title of Star Hellas. So, when the couple returns from their...
Greek-American Jim returns to Greece to open a tourist night club. In Athens he meets Kostas Pitouras (Kostas Voutsas), who sells souvenirs, and introduces him to his fiancée’s brother, Fotis Tsipo...
Two peaceful guys (Ntinos Iliopoulos and Kostas Chatzichristos) are informed by fellow villagers that an old blood feud between their families has been restarted, and they must continue it. In their e...
A sergeant of the Flying Squad (Giorgos Fountas) tries, at night, to find blood for his wife (Tzeni Roussea) who is about to give birth. When he finally finds a blood donor, he has to face a mentally ...
Pipis (Ntinos Iliopoulos), a poor painter who is always short of cash, is forced to move to a smaller room in a big courtyard, because he cannot afford to pay his landlady Ms. Paraskevi the rent. All ...