Videobotschaft anlässlich der "Carte Blanche"-Reihe von Helge Schneider im Deutschen Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am Main im Oktober 2013
Videobotschaft anlässlich der "Carte Blanche"-Reihe von Ulrich Tukur im Deutschen Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am Main im Mai 2016
Jasper, ein kleiner Pinguinjunge, hat einen Traum: Er will die Welt jenseits seiner antarktischen Heimat kennen lernen. Die anderen Pinguine machen sich deshalb über ihn lustig, können sie sich doch...
Report on the procession of the Daughters of Mary of Sants parish church (Barcelona) along a nearby street. It shows the way the people of the local neighbourhood participated in this religious ceremo...
Report on the Carnival of 1928, with the parade along Passeig de Gràcia, the jury, the guests on the rostrum and people both watching and taking part, with the various troupes passing by. Display of ...
Film on forger Han Van Meegeren, known for forging Vermeer peintings.
Documentary about the activities of the child daycare centers of the national service for children's wellbeing.
I 1885 får William Cody - bedre kendt som Buffalo Bill - den strålende idé at bruge sit berømte navn i showbusiness. Han skaber et stort vild-vest-cirkus og cementerer sit flotte ry som præriehel...
Presentation of Brussels by the puppets Toone and Woltje.
I Sydafrika berører religion alle dele af samfundet. Med tusinder af mennesker, der dør af aids, er religionerne i dag konfronteret med en virkelighed, som rækker ud over deres verdenssyn. Filmen g...
Dokumentarfilm. En skildring af grønlandske sæljægere
Demonstration in favour of keeping the french-speaking university of Ghent.
Documentary about a school in Brusels, founded in 1907 by Dr. Decroly.
Manneken Pis is brought back to life to visit Brussels for a day.
Report on the 30 day visit of a group of Congolese officials to Belgium in 1953.
Touristic journey through Belgium, which includes historical references.
Incomplete film on the airplane 'Princesse Marie-Jose'
Documentary made in Sweden for Belgian audiences after the sudden death of Queen Astrid.
Le film trace un état de la situation politique, économique et sociale du Ruanda-Urundi en 1949 en abordant successivement tous les aspects de la colonisation et les progrès qu'elle a entraînés. ...