A romantic woman from Corfu, Rinoula (Rena Vlachopoulou), is invited to Athens by her uncle, without knowing that her uncle intends to marry her off to a partner of his. The prospective groom, however...
The poster illustrates the portraits of the two leading actors, Elli Lampeti and Dimitris Horn. At the bottom of the poster, the title of the film can be read in red, capital letters with a white outl...
The poster is dominated by the figure of a cock with a man’s head. The head of the cock belongs to the leading actor, Filios Filippidis. The figure features a red rose comb, a black body and yellow ...
The poster features the portraits of the four actors of the film: Eleni Chatziargyri, Smaroula Giouli, Alekos Alexandrakis and Ilias Stamatiou. At the bottom of the poster, the title can be read: A MO...