After the death of their father, a travelling showman, Iris Belmore and her little brother Billy are engaged to play in a circus owned by George Munro. Jim, a young man their father had adopted, comes...
In "1914" we are introduced to three families, two in a big city, one in the country. The De Roquevilles are well-to-do people living an extravagant life. The other city dwellers are the family of Jea...
After the death of Gaston de Roqueville, Ninette marries the new manager of the Roqueville Steel-Works, Jean Ducrot. Mario Laurent, thanks to his important invention, has managed to regain a worthy po...
Suddenly left a legacy of 500 pounds, Rachel Higgins, maid-of-all-work in the Palfrey household, desires to become a "lady". Helped by Madame Recamier, a modiste who pities her, Rachel, perfectly gown...
Jess Newton, expecting to spend her holidays alone at her boarding school in England, receives a letter from her father asking her to come to him. Since the death of his wife, Mr Newton has been prosp...
Van Duylen, representative of a diamond syndicate, brings to Amsterdam the "Koh-I-Noor II", the largest diamond ever found. In one of the city's oldest diamond-cutting establishments it is cleft and t...