Several aspects of the whaling industry – fishery and stages undertaken in the whaling station of Baía Amélia (Amélia Beach, Namibe).
Portrayal of a hunting in the Mossamedes Desert: a hiena, springboks, zebras.
The Lucala falls, Congo, Camabatela, Uíge, Kwanza River near the Dondo, Quibala and Bailundo, Ruacaná falls in the Cunene River in Angola’s south border.
Views of the Sugar Plantation "Tentativa" in Angola.
Overviews of the rivers Kwanza and Lucala, in Angola.
Views of the nautic journey from Lisbon to São Tomé.
Film about the Dala falls, in the Lunda Province, in Angola.
Several aspects of Portuguese presence in Angola.
Diary notebook of the filming of whale hunt by Antunes da Mata.