I. 'KING & THE DOVER PATROL. H.M. presents medals to gallant skippers of the famous Drifter Patrol.' MS as the King, wearing overcoat and Army uniform, shakes hands with naval personnel - one army off...
I. 'WAITING AND WATCHFUL. French observers keep a sharp look out on the Champagne Front amid growing forests of wire.' MS of wire entanglements and pan right to show their extent. LS as French soldier...
I. 'GOVERNMENT'S ITINERANT WAR CINEMA. Lord Beaverbrook inspects fleet of Cine-Motors which will depict war truths in the villages.' MS over the lowered side of a truck to the rear compartment where a...
I. '"BOYS" OF THE OLD BRIGADE. Chelsea veterans reviewed by General Lyttelton on Foundation Day.' Chelsea pensioners in their formal tricorn hats march out to be inspected by the Elderly General Lytte...
In World War I, Romania is still neutral. In Bucharest, people demonstrate for entering the war alongside the Entante and freeing the Romanians from Transylvania. Mares, the leader of the Students’ ...
Gitta, a young woman who used to be a famous primadonna before her marriage, abandons her husband and her son for the sake of the theatre and goes to Russia with an actor, Vándori. She performs in ca...
Deutschland in der Vorkriegszeit: Landwirtschaft, Schwerindustrie, Hafenbetrieb; Rüstungsindustrie bei der Fa. Krupp, Bau von Geschützen und Einschießen auf dem werkseigenen Schießplatz; Flottenm...
Coverage of the 10th Pilgrimage of the Yser in Diksmuide. All pelgrims gathering at the central market square and around the Yser Tower to commemorate the Flemish military victims of the First World W...
Alice Verden
Still from "Störe nicht die Flitterwochen"
Still from "Reingefallen"
Still from "Was Liebe vermag"
Still from "Christa Hartungen"
Szene aus "Das Geheimnis des Ingenieurs Branting"
Lyda Salmonova
Still from "Paragraph 80, Absatz II"
List of costumes and stage properties
Contest for the music to the film
Conditions of screening in Bio Fenix in Prague