A patriotic film tinged with humor and sentimentalism. Stock footage (the crowded town, the departure of warships) and reconstructed war scenes in the desert are part of the second half about th...
Si tratta di un frammento di una breve commedia di ambientazione napoletana, in cui l'attore Vincenzo Scarpetta, figlio del commediografo Eduardo, è alle prese con una Miss d'oltre Atlantico, l...
Guazzoni, in putting on this sensational work must have encountered many difficulties. However, he overcame them brilliantly. He presents the episodes and vicissitudes which characterise the liv...
The Marchioness Teresa of Fontenay falls in love with Jean Guery, a young journalist. She divorced from her husband, the old Fomtenay, and she hopes to marry her beloved, but the outbreak of the revol...