This is the film adaptation of the well-known operetta of the same name by Theofrastos Sakellaridis, directed by Greece’s first woman director. During the Balkan Wars, Vivi Zacharouli, sick and tire...
An unscrupulous hit-and-run driver fatally injures a woman and leaves her to die. The victim was the wife of Kostas Kyriazis (Kostas Kazakos), an examiner, who, six years later, is called upon to clea...
A seamstress named Rena (Rena Vlachopoulou), unable to deliver a dress due to the strict safety measures of the hotel in which a famous football player named Julio Balmas (Nikos Galanos) is staying, g...
The house with the red lights is located in Troumpa, Piraeus and is called Phryne’s Bar. Five women live and work there: Eleni, a girl who grew up on the banks of the Danube and studied sculpture in...
A young shipowner, Alekos Vlastos, against the will of his mother who runs the family shipping firm, marries a poor girl, Rena, who won the title of Star Hellas. So, when the couple returns from their...
Young Aliki, after the death of her father, Mr. Nestoras, who was the general administrator of a theatrical company, takes the road to Athens with her sole companion Arapis, her dog. The orphaned girl...
During World War II, a lieutenant of the Royal Navy, Aris Galanos, arrives in Italian-occupied Rhodes on a secret mission. He takes the place of the Italian officer Giovanni Retsini and, as captain Gi...
During World War II, a lieutenant of the Royal Navy, Aris Galanos, arrives in Italian-occupied Rhodes on a secret mission. He takes the place of the Italian officer Giovanni Retsini and, as captain Gi...