South of Scotland Electricity Board film made regarding the construction of Hunterston.
The McLachlan family with family friends on a motor yacht trip from the Crinan Canal.
Amateur coverage of the annual seven-a-side rugby tournament at Greenyards, Melrose in 1952.
A promotional film by General Motors Scotland for their Euclid range of earth-moving machinery, built in their Scottish plant at Newhouse.
British Aerospace (BAe) staff video presenting the management concept Total Quality Culture as a natural extension of achievements in their own lives.
Animation showreel compiled by Red Kite Productions.
2002 Animation showreel compiled by Red Kite Productions.
Photographs of innovative events are presented to show how new visitors were drawn into museum exhibitions.
"Above and Below" (2012-14)
Natasja Juul in "Near and Elsewhere" (2018)
Irmin Schmidt in "Can and Me" (2022)
Enrique Fissin "Near and Elsewhere" (2018)
Sangay Rinchen in "The Farmer and I" (2013-16)
Andy Goldsworthy in "Rivers and Tides" (1998-2001)
The Last Voyage of the Demeter Adaptation of a chapter of Bram Stoker's classic "Dracula", consisting of logbook entries made by the captain of the ship used by the vampire for the crossing to Whitby ...
In Cabras, in the province of Cagliari (in Sardinia), there is a sort of salt lake connected to the sea that has been private property ever since the reign of King Phillip IV of Spain. After a l...
The Last Supper Germany, 1933. On the day Adolf Hitler seizes power, the Jewish family Glickstein gathers for dinner in Berlin. Of course, political developments are a central topic of discussion - bu...
01 - Cronaca Il servizio tratta il problema del traffico in una città come Roma, dove gli automobilisti indisciplinati non rispettano le più elementari regole della circolazione urbana. Si ved...
01 - Servizio speciale Una cartina geografica della Mesopotamia ed immagini del regno Assiro di Ninive introducono un excursus storico sul concetto di banca che nasce già in tempi antichi. Anch...
La storia delle lotte partigiane in Toscana, seguendo in particolare le azioni della Brigata Spartaco Lavagnini nel senese e nel grossetano, attraverso riprese sui luoghi degli eventi, ricostruz...
01 – Visita (Roma, 26/10/1967) Nella basilica di San Pietro, in Vaticano, Papa Paolo VI ed il Patriarca di Costantinopoli Atenagora partecipano a una cerimonia religiosa per avvicinare la chie...
01 – Nel mondo (Mosca, 4/06/1970) Panorama della città di Mosca vista dal fiume Moskova. Alcuni cittadini sovietici ascoltano le notizie dall'autoradio o leggono quotidiani dove è riportata ...