In seinem Dokumentarfilm begibt sich der Regisseur Mahmoud al-Massad auf den Weg in seine Geburtsstadt Sarka in Jordanien, die gleichzeitig die Heimatstadt des 2005 von den US-Truppen getöteten iraki...
Videobotschaft anlässlich der "Carte Blanche"-Reihe von Helge Schneider im Deutschen Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am Main im Oktober 2013
Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Bestsellers von David Mitchell. In parallelen Handlungssträngen werden sechs Einzelschicksale aus unterschiedlichen Zeitaltern erzählt, die auf ungeahnte Weise miteinand...
"Der Junker und der Kommunist" zeichnet das Leben Carl-Hans Graf von Hardenbergs (1891-1958) und Fritz Perlitz′ (1908-1972) nach, zweier Männer, deren Ideale unterschiedlicher kaum se...
22032 - Douai en ruines
22942 - Nieuport - Zouaves (Nieuwpoort, Flandre-Occidentale)
22887 - Nieuport (Nieuwpoort, Flandre-Occidentale)
26580 - Vosges - Skieurs allemands
23125 - Argonne - Popote en la ligne
23241 - Dormans - Pont coupé (Département Marne)
23219 - Blérancourt, Saint-Paul-aux-Bois (Département Aisne)
26397 - Vosges - Guetteur Allemand
Historisches Drama nach der Novelle von
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film Synopsis: The year 1814: After Napoleon was forced into exile, the regents of Europe negotiate the future of the continent at the Congress of V...
The Bohemian fairy tale that inspired the work of the troubadour Wolfram Von Eschenbach tells the story of a prince in love with a beautiful girl magically transformed from an apple.
The Big Other Of all people, the television presenter Gregory, a convinced atheist, is sent to Rome to report on the upcoming election of the new pope. In the eternal city he meets Maria, with whom he...
The musical legacy of Queen Elisabeth of Belgium: the genesis of the annual Queen Elisabeth Music Competition.
The musical legacy of Queen Elisabeth of Belgium: the genesis of the annual Queen E...
War-time report, probably released in September-October 1919.
Compilation of short News reports concerning: - a shouting contest - a man jumping from a driving car onto a flying plane. - thousands of Hindus travelling to the Ganges River. - Geese flocks on a far...
The video shows the first five minutes of the film. Film synopsis: The sailor Freddy is on the run: In Genoa, he was involved in a drunken stabbing that left one person dead. Now Freddy is wanted by t...