Produced by the French Film Chamber, the film shows Zuaven, an infantry unit of North African colonial soldiers, in Flanders, Belgium. In addition to a parade, the film shows various recreational acti...
This French film compiles footage shot during the early months of World War I. Images include war damage along the Oise and Marne rivers, Belgian and German positions, a Canadian unit before crossing ...
Karl-Heinz Kaesbach (Bavaria head of marketing), Odile Versois, Robert Siodmak (left to right)
Germar Tetzlaff (Head of Marketing and Local Productions, 20th Century Fox), Anna Zündel (Production Executive, Fox International Productions), Christina Christ (Producer, Bavaria Pictures GmbH), Min...
Germar Tetzlaff, Robert Marciniak, Max von der Groeben, Marco Petry, Merlin Rose, Marco Mehlitz (from left to right) on the set of "Doktorspiele" (2013/14)