Unedited footage. Images of the Carmo's ruins, in Lisbon. Still frames.
The several processing steps of cod-fish after the arrival of a cod-fish lugger in Figueira da Foz’ bay: drying, salting, weighing and sale.
Overviews of the rivers Kwanza and Lucala, in Angola.
Documentary film on the education establishment, its facilities (edifice built in 1914 which now hosts the headquarters of the Guarda Nacional Republicana) and activites.
The opening of Armazéns Frigoríficos da Comissão Reguladora do Comércio de Bacalhau. The cod fleet of Oporto, cod drying and washing.
Fragment. Views of the cocoa cultivation in São Tomé and Príncipe.
Film about the Dala falls, in the Lunda Province, in Angola.
The exteriors of the studios of the Oporto-based film company, Invicta Film.
Film frame
Film frame of Arthur Costa de Macedo's 'Homenagens aos soldados desconhecidos' ('Tribute to Unknown Soldiers'), 1921.
film frame
Film frame
Film frame
Correspondence file of the prod. company, mainly to exhibitors.
A collection of press clippings with references to the film exhibition in Lisbon’s film theatres.
Short note on the educational potential of film in Portugal and on the activity of the Army’s cartographic section.
News on cinematographic activities in Portugal.
Film review.
Article on the characteristics of American film industry in what concerns the structures, e.g. Universal.
Report on the public screenings of the newsreels films.
Film review, referring to its achievement in documenting Portugal’s colonial facet.