Incomplet film portraing exercises with incendiary bombs, in Lisbon.
Incomplet. Buildings, monuments, main streets, harbour and railway of Maputo.
Incomplet. A parade of decorated cars passes by a street full of people and children with shovels plant trees.
Military parade in Lisbon. Pupilos do Exército, former WW I troops, Navy.
Views of the city. The Far with the presences of the President of the Republic and President of the Ministers’ Counci. Bullfight and car race.
31st January celebrations and military parade. 5th October military parade. Armistice in Oporto. WW I memorial.
The Telegraphic Regiment of Lisbon.
A day in a family’s home in S. Miguel, Azores: presentation (family and friends), playful activities, home-school, social reunion, a visit to the estate.
Film frame
Film frame
Film frame
Set photo.
Film frame
Diary notebook of the filming of whale hunt by Antunes da Mata.
Article defending the need of producing Portuguese colonial films.
Notes on the work of film director José Branco Gomes Barata.
Film review.
Notes on the film ‘Como se faz um jornal’, and the founding of a unit dedicated to producing colonial films.
Notes on the team work; set still of Fernandez Tomaz.
Notes on the film works of José César de Sá and Fernandez Tomaz.
Notes on how documentary films about Portugal can contribute to tourism reinforcement.