A rich young man, Tony, somewhat disillusioned with life, hangs out in a club. Among the regular customers is Alekos, a fortune-hunting trumpet player who takes advantage of lovers and friends, and St...
Small-time crook Makis and his fiancée Ntola get friendly with the nouveau-riche businessman Antonis Kartelis in order to get to his money. Kartelis’ wife wants to enter high society at all costs. ...
Two sufficiently prosperous, mature friends, neighbors for many years, spend their time playing chess and grumbling about their age and health. At the same time, they both like a poor young woman, Rit...
A working-class neighborhood in Piraeus is the setting for the story of a hard-working young man (Giorgos Fountas) who finds himself entangled in illegal dealings with a fraudster (Stefanos Stratigos)...
The headmaster of the school (Mimis Fotopoulos) tries to control his students, who are harassing their new classmate (Sotiris Tzevelekos). He is transformed from a very quiet young boy to the teachers...
Vasilis Maras (Vasilakis Kailas) is a poor orphan child whose father has died and who wants to study - so he works as a shoe-shine boy. His mother Anna (Rita Myrat), who was working as a maid in a wea...
The schoolteachers believe that they had gotten rid of the rebellious students who had harassed them so much. But the students return to classes demanding to graduate without favors. Their leader now ...
A melodrama based on the operetta by the same name, written by Nikos Chatziapostolou. Beautiful Pitsa (Smaroula Giouli) lives in a slum in Plaka, below the Acropolis, and dreams of living in grandeur ...