Little Momi’s father has left to be a soldier and his letters are eagerly anticipated by his family at home. In one of them he recounts the adventure of little highlander Berto, who saved his mother...
The panoramic shot opening the film pinponts the true protagonists at once: the canals, water harnessed within circuits planned by man in order to wrench land from the sea. The camera travels at water...
Count Raoul Ruggeri, left penniless, asks the president of the "Circolo Nero", the head of a criminal gang, to borrow him some money. Eventually he is forced to join the gang, but when they ask him to...
Making an effort Documentary produced by the Municipal Waste Collection Company of Bologna to show how much has been done (above all in terms of modernisation) and how much has yet to be done (above a...
01 NUOVO COMITATO P.S.I. A palazzo di via della Lungara a Roma si riunisce il Comitato Centrale del Partito Socialista Italiano. I partecipanti entrano nella sala in cui si svolge l'incontro, Pi...
01 – Salone (Torino, 20-22/09/1968) A Torino, il ministro delle poste e telecomunicazioni Angelo De Luca inaugura il 18° Salone internazionale della tecnica. Il senatore, accompagnato dall'in...
01 – Tecnica (Italia, Francia, Germania, 2-7/12/1968) Un missile pronto nella rampa di lancio e degli ingegneri aerospaziali impegnati in laboratorio; il conto alla rovescia, poi il missile ac...
01 – Nel mondo (Vietnam, 10-12/03/1969) La guerra in Vietnam sembra finalmente avviarsi alla conclusione. Vengono mostrate immagini di guerra e bombardamenti aerei; città distrutte e deserte;...
gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)
gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)
gelatina bromuro d'argento/pellicola (poliestere)
Film review.
Film review, referring to its achievement in documenting Portugal’s colonial facet.
Notes on the film 'A Beira'.
Article on the director’s position in the Portuguese film industry and on his joining the Empresa Leitão.