The film consists of unedited, unrelated scenes of Mark I and Mark IV tanks, at the Tank Corps training school at Bovington, on the Western Front, and in Palestine. It opens with unarmed Mark IV tanks...
(Reel 1) The setting is a large tank park with a training ground next to it. This has a number of artificial obstacles, water-filled craters and steep banks. The tanks are unmarked except for serial n...
The tanks, Males and Females, are all unarmed and instead of battalion numbers carry large training numbers on their noses. Firstly a pan over the instructing officers in front of two of the tanks. At...
The tanks, in a 'swarm', roll over the grassland - Vickers Medium Mark IIs and Mark IIIs of 5th Battalion, accompanied by Infantry carriers. A Medium Mark II Command Tank of 5th Battalion stops near t...
A Bristol Fighter of 4 Squadron RAF spots two 'enemy' Whippet tanks taking up position to halt the advance of 1st (Guards) Brigade, 1st Division. Oblivious of this, the Guards move towards their objec...
(Reel 1) The film opens by stating that as the basis for the expansion of the Army in wartime the TA "may be a factor in the maintenance of peace". Men of 4th Battalion, Northamptonshire Regiment, mar...
Not all of the material is of Royal Engineers. The opening shows Kitchener inspecting new recruits in London, and later on the Western Front. Royal Engineers dig, plant and explode a large mine under ...
Not far from the Droucourt-Quéant Switch Line, tanks of 11th Battalion make their way up a gradient in the fog. The leading Mark V Male tank is marked 'Kim' and has a left-handed swastika on its nose...