This is an adaptation of the play “The Girl of the Harbor” written by Dimitris Bogris. It is the melodramatic story of a pretty young woman who is abandoned by her beloved. She is then forced to b...
Just before he dies, a priest tells a monk the story of a couple in love. The two lovebirds break up because of the jealous hatred of the man’s brother, and the girl is then forced to marry the unsc...
Fotis is in love with Bilio, a last-year student at a provincial high-school, and serenades her frequently. Bilio’s teacher, Platon Papadakis, is also in love with her, but besides serenading her, h...
Fotis is in love with Bilio, a last-year student at a provincial high-school, and serenades her frequently. Bilio’s teacher, Platon Papadakis, is also in love with her, but besides serenading her, h...
A young emerald miner (Giorgos Fountas) is in love with a girl (Sofi Lila) but doesn’t ask her to marry him because he cannot support her financially.