The film shows in some detail, by means of stop action, the various stages in assembling the rotary engine. It starts (about half-way through) with the assembly of the rear drum and crankshaft, and co...
1. Intertitle: The airship is brought out of the hangar. Image: „L 60“ and „L 35“ are pulled out of the airship hangar and brought to the take-off site. 2. Intertitle: Ascension. Image: Ascens...
Truppentransporter im Hafen von Libau; Verladung der Fahrzeuge, Geschütze und Pferde; Landungstruppen gehen am Marine-Hafenamt an Bord; Ausfahrt der Transporter in Begleitung von Kriegsschiffen; Luft...
Newsreel item on Supermarine Southampton flying boats of 201 Squadron taking off for a goodwill tour of the Baltic from Calshot, September 1930.
I. Submarine base, Portsmouth. C Class submarines at moorings: C.17, C.18, C.12. Medium shot profile as D.2 passes; note HMS Victory in the background. C.32 at moorings - two ratings relaxing on deck ...
The film irises up on the huts of the camp, which is large and well laid-out. A column of WRAFs marches along a path in the camp. At a pay parade indoors the women come forward in turn to collect thei...
Reportage about the first flight to the Dutch Indies. Shots of the departure of the Fokker VII H-NACC in the Netherlands in the presence of KLM-director Plesman and of the arrival in the Dutch Indies....
Lennuki “Albatros” tiiva remont Vene 23. korpuse lennusalga töökojas.
Lennuki “Albatros” tiivakonstruktsiooni katmine presendiga Vene 23. korpuse lennusalga töökojas.
Lennuki “Albatros” Mercedese mootori puhastamine Vene 23. korpuse lennusalga tehnikute poolt.
Lennuki “Albatros” kaksiktiiva reguleerimine Vene 23. korpuse lennusalga töökojas.
Vene 23. korpuse lennusalga traadita telegraafi ratastel vastuvõtja.
Vene 23. korpuse lennusalga traadita telegraafi mast.
Vene 23. korpuse lennusalga telegrafistid traadita telegraafi vastuvõtja juures.
Wolfgang Filzinger (on the left), shooting on the air field of Pontfaverger, March 1915
Die Kommunalisierung, Der Kinematograph, 672, (1919), S. 32-33. Plädoyer gegen die Pläne der Verstaatlichung aller Kinos. Die Verstaatlichung schade nur dem Staat, blähe die Bürokratie unnötig au...