Preparations for the ascent of the captive balloon; observation officer fastens the parachute belt and climbs into the basket; orientation at the map board; checking the field telephone connection; as...
At the beginning of 1914, the unknown cameramen recorded the first film about the Serbian capital city Belgrade for the Serbian film producer Svetozar Botorić. The most important places and streets i...
Interaction between heavy artillery on a railroad and the air force during the Somme offensive: the role of optic telegraphy and aerology. The artillery and air force in the Verdun region: loading and...
(Reel 1) Opening sequence of aerial shots showing a convoy and escort vessels. Cut to "The Making of the Men" - Nautical College, Pangbourne, HMS Worcester, HMS Medway, HMS Arethusa. Scenes showing ca...
Officers walk out from the wooden huts of their bases. The huts have flower gardens and even a sundial. The station groundcrew drill on the main square, with a band, at some length, and finally march ...
The airship is a non-rigid closely resembling the British SS and SSZ types. It comes in to land over a field. Its groundcrew steady it on landing, then back it into its shed.
Newsreel item on a n...
The area, a timber-yard, has been completely flattened by the explosion. The captions stress that this was not the result of a bombardment or air raid.
Newsreel item on an explosion in the Rue To...
I. Queenstown. Low-angle medium shot from small craft crossing bows of three US destroyers moored together in the harbour with a paddle minesweeper - two of the ships are USS Duncan (46) and USS Stere...
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga lennuk “Nieuport”.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga “Voisin” lennuk suuskadel.
Allakukkunud Vene sõjaäelennuki rusud.
Allakukkunud lennuki rusud.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga kahe hukkunud lenduri surnukehad, üks neist leitnant [Anikin].
Allakukkunud lennuki rusud (detail).
Allakukkunud lennuki rusud.
Vene 23.korpuse lennusalga lendur alamleitnant Dobrovolski lennuki kokpitis.
Die Kommunalisierung, Der Kinematograph, 672, (1919), S. 32-33. Plädoyer gegen die Pläne der Verstaatlichung aller Kinos. Die Verstaatlichung schade nur dem Staat, blähe die Bürokratie unnötig au...