The camera, blocked by the crowd, shows only long shots and the view of the crowd from the speakers' platform, rather than the speakers themselves.The bales of hay are stacked over a considerable area...
I. 'GOVERNMENT'S ITINERANT WAR CINEMA. Lord Beaverbrook inspects fleet of Cine-Motors which will depict war truths in the villages.' MS over the lowered side of a truck to the rear compartment where a...
I. 'LORD FRENCH AT LIVERPOOL. The Lancashire Volunteer Regiment being reviewed by Field-Marshal Lord French outside the Adelphi Hotel'. French inspects ranks of men fallen in on cobbled street - troll...
I. 'Admiralty Official Film. THE KING ATTENDS "DIVISIONS". In the Navy "Divisions" is the equivalent to the regimental parade in the Army, the ship's crew assemble on the quarter deck to the playing o...
I. 'ZEPPELIN CREW'S BURIAL The charred remains of the Germans who set out to hurl death amongst defenceless women and children, being conveyed on an Army transport waggon'. RFC officers and men carry ...
A mother loses both of her children to the violence of war. Patriotic drama directed by Schoukens, in memory of the Armistice of 1918.
The journalists watch a demonstration of trench fighting in the training trenches. They inspect the trenches. The men of the division march past, and their commander, Brigadier-General F S Meighan, ta...
First a posed group of Rawlinson, Fourth Army commander, with his staff. Then, indoors, for the benefit of the camera Rawlinson traces a military manoeuvre on a wall map with a pair of dividers.The li...
Boy and girl in the meadow in folk costumes embrace each other. Behind them stands Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and touches girl´s head.
Boy and girl in folk costume. Behind them stands Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk on suit and hat.
Girl and boy in folk costumes embrace each other on the meadow. Behind them stands the President of the Czechoslovak Republic Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk.
Girl and boy in folk costumes embrace each other on the meadow. Behind them stands the President of the Czechoslovak Republic Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk.