Set of seven film documents shot just after the signature of the Blum-Byrnes agreements, between the French and American governments, authorizing the wider release of American films on French territor...
From its congress, held in January 1946, illustration of the role of the U.J.R.F (Union de la Jeunesse Républicaine de France) in the Battle of Production and Reconstruction of France. After the batt...
The long and bitter strike of the French miners in November and December 1948. After an overview of the harshness of the profession, this agitation film describes the beginning of the strike, its prog...
Presentation of the politics of the Communist Party from the aftermath of the war until 1949. This film was made on the occasion of the cantonal elections of March 20 and 27, 1949. The P.C.F. is shown...
The battles of the dockers during the winter and early spring of 1950, filmed in Rouen, Saint-Nazaire, La Pallice (La Rochelle), Marseille and Bordeaux. After evoking the precariousness, the difficult...
Work at sea on board the Franc-Tireur, a Bigouden trawler based in Concarneau. This documentary describes the hardships of the fishermen "20 days at sea, 2 days on land": nets that are thrown out acco...
This film presents at least two distinct settings: on the one hand, the film reports on the progress of a construction site near Caen. From the foundations of the buildings to the roofs, the different...
This film document shows a ceremony of homage to the resistance fighters of the pharmaceutical laboratory Orga in Avignon, during which a memorial is unveiled. First, the officials (a prefect and a ge...